
Whether you are resting, growing, or transforming, beliefs shape who you are in this world and beyond. These beliefs get tugged on to bend this way, jump over here, buy this, buy that. Consumer mindset is what American’s are known for. We don’t have to be and there is a growing interest to be more than influenced by the material goods we consume.

Connecting with your beliefs is a lifelong journey of thinking compassionately and practicing grace. It is both challenging and rewarding. A spiritual life tugs on those consumer strings and invites us to a richer life where mystery, awe and wonder feeding our souls remains relevant to peace, joy and an aid in times of suffering.

This website is focused on the journey of transformation, rest, and growth through the scriptures and essential oils mentioned in the Holy Bible.

For me, my Christian beliefs challenge me to trust, an untamable God whose wisdom exceeds. Marveling of human discoveries of what is out there in the galaxies; in our grounds and under the oceans humbles me as the order, structure and elegance is found in every corner of this world.

Our souls are hungry for the richness of a life of knowing we are created for purpose and our valued.

The world of essentials oils are the life source of plants. The mystery of their complexity is now available under a microscopes and devices. We marvel again. Many plants essential oils are available to us in today’s world. They are not all the same though.

I will share with you the wonder of these oils and their complexities that are beyond copying into synthetic consistency. They remind us that we live in a rich, varied and myriad of differences dictated by topography, weather and structure. They invite us to trust the wisdom of the Creator to heal beyond the physical.

I have chosen the Young Living Effect for it is within this company I have found like minded people with varying spiritual beliefs who all want a better world for themselves, their families, fellow humans and all living beings in this world as well as our earth. We also improve on being good stewards with the tools we have. - Kelley

Ancient resins of frankincense (Boswellia carterii, sacra, papyrifera and frereana species) and myrrh (Commiphora myrrha species) were and remain valuable in 1. religious consecrating rituals, 2. aromatic significance, and 3. overall wellness. They were so valuable they were given to the parents of baby Jesus Christ. Today, scientific studies verify their healthful attributes.

Frankincense & Myrrh