March Redeem - Safety

Safety - Mind

Perhaps there are only a few instances in a human’s life where one feels all-in safe. Imagine a fed newborn asleep in parent’s arms - SAFE. As we age and experience living life we begin to feel, experience an unsafe world. We begin to have to meet our own needs - feed ourselves, interact with people (& sometimes they say or do things contrary to what they said or did previously). Lied to? Physically or emotionally abused? Our amygdala has two choices: run or fight while our frontal lobe analyzes, rationalizes & determines logic. We have a built in defense system, for we all want safety in an unsafe world. I submit that trauma = unsafe. We all experience it. There are varying degrees of trauma from slight (stranger says an unkind word) to severe (commit violence/violently treated). Our minds rest, relax & settle when we are nourished mind, body and soul. Abraham Maslow illustrated safety in the Hierarchy of Needs diagram. Food, shelter are basic needs. The mind’s ability to expand into rest is when the amygdala and frontal lobe are not responding to the need to survive for we all want to survive and flourish. Be kind (your brain likes kindness).

Safety - Spirit

Is your spirit safe? Tucked neatly away and brought out in times of distress, religious service or prayer/meditation? We all want to know we are good, just the way we are. We all want that peace, like a cat curled up resting in the afternoon sun. Nothing to change here, just rest and enjoy. That kind of safety might be found with your ego, but not your spirit. Your spirit is the wrestling mat where pride, greed, haughtiness, wounds, scars, validation lose the match and mercy, compassion, grace, kindness, compassion, justice and forgiveness declare the victory. Purpose is a spiritual thing. No sleeping in the sun here. Purpose needs practice. the kinks get straightened through repetition, focus of intent. All human purpose is to do good for others and self (parenting is the best example). Your spirit is the conduit to the transcendent other-worldly and beyond human control existence we define as God. Finally, the affirmation we all desperately seek is found in spirit, not out on the internet, friends - personal or professional. Affirmation is the yes to your valued existence from a loving Creator. Redeem the prominence your spirit can have in affirming your value as a human being

Safety - Body

Homesotasis is safety in the physical form. Systems check is green lights al down the list. No red flags - cells, tissues and organs are purring along perfectly. All is safe: threats are identified and taken care of with ease.

This homeostasis is a rarity though. Common life is one system is out of whack or fighting off a baceteria or virus regularly. Keeping it in bounds is the goal. The practice of homestasis is evidenced by what we eat, wear, move, think and feel. Out bodies are alive because electrical frequencies run throughout. Homeostasis is between 62 - 70 mehartz (Mhz). A yellow or red flag goes up when your Mhz dips below these levels. Your body is being drained of the energy tending to illness/dis-ease.

We influence this level by our consumption practices; movement throughout the day in our minds and body. There are many was we tax our bodies daily that we are hardwired to manage.

Another gift we have that come with frequencies is your body resonates and is aided by pure essential oils (eo)(food with their enzymes too, sounds you hear). All unadulterated, non-synthetic eo’s have their own frequency. The Young Living Essential Oil Company patented Idaho Blue Spruce oil is known to have the higheest range of 460-580 Mhz. A favorite oil, Lavender is at 118 Mhz.

Further Research: Fung, T.K.H.; Lau, B.W.M.; Ngai, S.P.C.; Tsang, H.W.H, Therapeutic Effect and Mechanism of Essential Oils in Mood Disorders: Interaction between the Nervous and Respiratory Systems, Int. J. Mol. Sci2021-22m 4844,

Safety - Christian

Oximoron, that is what redeeming safety as a Christian is. Our bodies are these temples that house and contain our spirit, mind, brain, emotions. Flipside: They are vessels, containers, temporal, from ash and return to ash upon our departure from this physical world. Our bodies are gifts from God, unique, stitched together in the womb of which God knew even before our parents. Flipside: Our identity extends beyond the physical limitations of this world into the spiritual which is eternal, non-physical. Our bodies inform us of physical, emotional and psycholgical pain, joy of our connections and interaction with this world that informs our purpose, identity and value in this present world. Flipside: Who we are transcends the physical realities of this world. Pain to joy are temporary and come and go as our bodies are always leaning towards a departure from this world. My thoughts go to one of the Wisdom books - Ecclesiastes, This writer examines all the contradictions of life and ponders what ISs meaning of life for what should be isn’t and what is shouldn’t be when it comes to wealth, safety, comfort. The final thought enjoy life. Safety and fairness do not exist. Your peace of mind in doing what you are capable of with what you have will deliver peace. May you do also.


Tying Belief into LIfe.

Military Chaplain, Hospice Chaplain, Bereavement Counselor

April Redeem - Forgiveness


Redeem - Listening